Wednesday, December 30, 2015


1/13/16  Products:  Getting ready to announce the release of a new Android product in the next day or two.

1/13/16  Biblical:  Added an article about Exodus 20 and what it means to take the LORD's name in vain.  It's probably a unique perspective, but the logic seems to work I hope.

1/12/16  Android Dev:  After wrestling with layouts for a few days, I've decided to write my first article on...layouts.  Article is scheduled for release after I finish the current application I'm working on.

1/11/16  Parasite Pandemic:   Adding articles about parasites as fast as I can get a handle on the data.  Added some thoughts about how tapeworm are likely one of the best-designed weapons.  Also added one on the numbers behind tapeworm infection in animals.  I'm still in the process of researching all the animals that can contract a tapeworm infection, but the list is surprisingly large.  Also added an article describing how predators use neurotoxins and many of the parasites I've been writing about secrete neurotoxins into humans, and nobody is looking for them.

1/10/16  Brain Damage:  Adding articles about my experience recovering from severe brain damage.  So far, highlights include some notes about aphasia, amnesia, and learning what I'd forgotten by teaching what I didn't know I'd forgotten.

1/8/16  Products:  Added an announcement for a lightweight commercial real estate application I've uploaded to the Google Play Store and the Amazon AppStore for Android.  It's called SunnysideCRE Lite.

1/8/16  Pyramids of Giza:  Added a new blog for work about the pyramids of Egypt in Giza and moved the paper I wrote about why I think the pyramids were built to it.

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