Friday, February 5, 2016

Featured Articles, February 4-10, 2016

Here's a list of some featured articles I've added to my blogs.

Week of February 4 - 10, 2016

New In Drop a Common Lisp Beat Down
New in Products
  • Dang Alarm! Ouch... and Calc Me Sum 2, Coming Soon - I'm ashamed to say I shipped a buggy product.  I recently learned DangAlarm! isn't working right on at least one phone.  Fixing it this weekend.  I'm going to be releasing an update to my calculator.  This next version has more scientific features and should be released within a day or so, but the article highlights what's new as well as what's coming after this release.
New in Android Dev
  • Clipboard Notes - Some quick notes to help me remember how to implement copying text to the clipboard in Android.  Went in surprisingly easy.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Featured Articles, January 28-February 3, 2016

Here's a list of some featured articles I've added to my blogs.

Week of January 28 - February 3, 2016
New in Biblical
  • Noah's Ark:  Was it a Submarine? - I've been running over configurations for how Noah survived the flood in an ark for a while now.  Above ground and on the waves involves statistical probability and faith, and while I'm a big fan of faith, Noah had 100 years to prepare.  He would have built prototypes.  It seems to make sense that the place to be when the flood started was nowhere above ground or on the surface of water.  Since the text of the story seems to support it, I've gone into why I think Noah's Ark was a submarine.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Featured Articles, January 21-27, 2016

Here's a list of some featured articles I've added to my blogs.

Week of January 21-27, 2016
New in Pyramids of Giza
  • 1/26/15
  • Finding Planet 9: Easier by Pyramid? Definitely. I'm pretty sure. Probably... - In which I describe how to use the Pyramids of Egypt as giant reflectors to look into with telescopes so they functioned as microscopes except looking into space.  So we can find Planet 9, and quickly.  Plus, I describe how to use lasers converging on a point within the calculated orbit of Planet 9 to scan the projected orbit so we can find it when/if it hits Planet 9 and the spot disappears.  Like looking for something with a flashlight, only farther away than Pluto.
Drop a Common Lisp Beat Down
  • A Lisp Mind, Trapped in a Java World - a light-hearted expose on how Java squeezes and confounds the mind of an old man who learned to build things that went 25,000 mph from his crazy dad who built them - with a slide rule - and how Lisp is the only language the kid has found that goes rocket-speed, and then some.
New in Biblical
  • Garden of Eden Revisted: A Story of Narcissism by Serpent - Woke up this morning and this thought was like a puppy waiting to pounce on me: parasites create narcissism in humans.  Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden tells the story of possession by serpent and how it manifests in narcissism... or so it seems - so I wrote about how it looks to me.
New in Parasite Pandemic
  • Narcissism, the True Sign of Neurotoxic Attack by Parasites in Humans - A quick note and link to a short article I wrote on another blog about parasites creating narcissism as the true sign of the illness they create in us.
  • Animals That Harbor Tapeworms - I've started to organize a list of animals/creatures that harbor tapeworm.  My goal is to get a sense of the total population, infection rate, and likely production rate of tapeworm eggs.  From there, I'll see what else can be extrapolated, especially regards to us humans, though I can't help being really disturbed that so many creatures are harboring creatures that secrete neurotoxins and produce a prolific number of eggs.
New in Android Dev
  • I've started to assemble a list of the parts, features and ways to use PreferenceScreen and Preference settings in Android.  There's a lot of moving parts and I wasn't able to find one place that organized everything in one place, completely, and succinctly.  So I'm putting some notes together in hopes that they can be a useful resource.
New in Brain Damage
  • Outline of issues related to brain trauma - I've been blocked trying to figure out what to write next about having severe brain damage and recovering from it.  I finally realized I just needed to put an outline together of issues and topics related to having brain damage so I had something to work off of.  So I wrote it and it's up on the blog and I'll be adding to it and authoring the articles from the list so I don't sit and spin and do nothing except listen to all those thoughts running around like children in my head screaming "where's the exit?!"  Losing connection to time and life is maddening.
New in Pyramids of Egypt
  • Redshift in the Red Pyramid of Giza - I'm no astronomer, but that red pyramid in the complex sure looks like it could have been used to filter red from things and perhaps measure redshift in bodies in space.  As soon as I finish a product I'm writing for Android, I'll dig deeper into the pyramids, because there's a lot more I have to write about them.
New in Biblical
  • Noah and the Patriarchs - I built a table of the generations of Adam and wrote some thoughts about the time-frame leading up to the flood and a little beyond.  This is a light article that highlights Noah really paid attention and knew how to take care of life and make sure everything survived.
Coming soon: A Blog on the Vedas
  • Churning of the Ocean of Milk - I think I might add a category on the Vedas, since I read them, too.  I think I'd planned on setting up another blog, and had taken down this article I wrote on thoughts I'd had regarding the Churning of the Ocean of Milk.  It just seems so anatomical.  Until I get a blog set up, I'll keep the article at Luck-e Jake.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015


1/13/16  Products:  Getting ready to announce the release of a new Android product in the next day or two.

1/13/16  Biblical:  Added an article about Exodus 20 and what it means to take the LORD's name in vain.  It's probably a unique perspective, but the logic seems to work I hope.

1/12/16  Android Dev:  After wrestling with layouts for a few days, I've decided to write my first article on...layouts.  Article is scheduled for release after I finish the current application I'm working on.

1/11/16  Parasite Pandemic:   Adding articles about parasites as fast as I can get a handle on the data.  Added some thoughts about how tapeworm are likely one of the best-designed weapons.  Also added one on the numbers behind tapeworm infection in animals.  I'm still in the process of researching all the animals that can contract a tapeworm infection, but the list is surprisingly large.  Also added an article describing how predators use neurotoxins and many of the parasites I've been writing about secrete neurotoxins into humans, and nobody is looking for them.

1/10/16  Brain Damage:  Adding articles about my experience recovering from severe brain damage.  So far, highlights include some notes about aphasia, amnesia, and learning what I'd forgotten by teaching what I didn't know I'd forgotten.

1/8/16  Products:  Added an announcement for a lightweight commercial real estate application I've uploaded to the Google Play Store and the Amazon AppStore for Android.  It's called SunnysideCRE Lite.

1/8/16  Pyramids of Giza:  Added a new blog for work about the pyramids of Egypt in Giza and moved the paper I wrote about why I think the pyramids were built to it.