Friday, February 5, 2016

Featured Articles, February 4-10, 2016

Here's a list of some featured articles I've added to my blogs.

Week of February 4 - 10, 2016

New In Drop a Common Lisp Beat Down
New in Products
  • Dang Alarm! Ouch... and Calc Me Sum 2, Coming Soon - I'm ashamed to say I shipped a buggy product.  I recently learned DangAlarm! isn't working right on at least one phone.  Fixing it this weekend.  I'm going to be releasing an update to my calculator.  This next version has more scientific features and should be released within a day or so, but the article highlights what's new as well as what's coming after this release.
New in Android Dev
  • Clipboard Notes - Some quick notes to help me remember how to implement copying text to the clipboard in Android.  Went in surprisingly easy.

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